Thursday, June 5, 2008

Introvert? Extrovert?

Analyzing ways of thinking:

Reading in chapter 5 of my cornerstone book, I found myself most intrigued with the ideas and small tests, that pointed out learning styles. I really put my thoughts into looking at the way others behave, and react to certain situations. Why I did this, was to try and figure out what type of person they were, in the sense of retaining knowledge, and personalities.

My 3 Subjects:
The first person that I analyzed, was a good friend of mine, Dr. Phineas Waldolf Steel. He actually had to proclaim to me when I first met him via Internet, the he was in fact- an introvert! The reason he had to do so, was the fact that he felt more comfortable typing on the keyboard, vs. talking on the phone. I myself being an extrovert, did not seem to understand the reason why this man would pass on talking on the phone, and be more comfortable with typing. So I learned more about introverts, and understood why he was the way – he was. I respected his strange nature of liking to be locked in a silent room, writing songs, inventing strange machines, and trying to take over the world. After doing so, I found that I had made an amazing friend, that had much to say, even though he didn’t like talking physically much.

(to find out more about my friend Dr.Steel- go to,, or the fan club )


My second subject, was in fact my husband. Like myself, he is an extrovert. However he is very analytical. He is wonderful with word presentation, spelling, numbers, and just getting along with people. But the guy couldn’t make a cook an egg if he had to save his life! He has a very different way learning, versus myself. I noticed that he can recite the lyrics to a song just fine after hearing it only once. However, I could only remember the music, …. note by note. When it came to hands on activities, he could not process how to put things together, where as it came easy to me. Cooking was always a challenge too, along with art. Face it, this guy couldn’t hammer a nail without getting hurt. But man, he could sell ice to an Eskimo, win at any spelling bee, pick up button combos like no ones business (sounds tactile, but its really not), and memorize the flavor text on EVERY magic card ever mad. EVER!!!!


(Picture: Left –My Dad S.C. Lawerence Right- My husband Don)

Ok and last but not least, my Dad. He is a very strange case indeed. Some would call him an introvert, but when he moved to Hollywood and became a writer, much of that would be questionable. The reason I say this, is because the man his whole life before retiring and writing books… was a rocket engineer! He spent his whole life, as a mathematician, and worked for companies like Aerospace, NASA, Rockwell, and Boeing. Why he would try to change what he was in the later parts of his life is a mystery to me! He went from analytical, logical, introvert, auditory, judging, interpersonal, to an artsy fartsy, visual (always paints and draws now) naturalistic, interpersonal, extrovert! HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN??? I think this is a new mystery for the books, personally.


The messed up me:
So this now leads me, to ME! (Laughs) What did I learn about myself from all of this study? Well, I learned that IDO IN FACT, learn in a very specific manner. Also, that my personality really makes an impact on such a thing such as, learning. I find it easiest to read, or study when all sounds ar off (radio, tv, etc) and when I am in a comfortable environment. I cannot have people around or any type of distraction, such as my dogs, or cat bothering me. I am TERRIBLE at staying focused! The smallest thing seems to make me get off track. Also, I am not as strong in things that are considered a normally ‘easy’ task. Things like, typing for instance. I have always struggled with it, and still do to this day. I cannot type without looking at the keyboard. Which you would think is a very tactile way of doing things, when in fact it is not. It has to do with memorizing the keyboard, and remembering it in your head. (Much like button combos) This brings me to math and spelling. I always had problems in both subjects. Finding both numbers and letters switching themselves in my mind. This disorder is called dyslexia. I deal with it on a daily basis. In fact right now, while typing this, the spell check is about to commit suicide!

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